BNP stands by victims, their families

BNP has been standing beside its leaders-activists and their families, who were the victims of torture, forced disappearance and killing.
The party extended different types of support to more than 1,000 victims' families in the last eight years.
The supports include providing Eid gifts and financial assistance on behalf of BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman during the two Eid festivals, and financial assistances for construction of pucca houses, marrying off daughters, stipend for children, proper medical treatment of the injured victims.
This support programme will continue in the future. BNP will take the initiative to rehabilitate these affected families fully, if the party can form the government being elected in the polls in future, said several BNP leaders.
Alongside continuing the support programme for the affected leaders and activists of BNP, the party is now preparing a list of casualties in the anti-discrimination student movement.
Once the preparation of the list is completed, BNP will support 50 injured from the members of BNP's associate bodies, students and the people to receive proper medical treatment.
Convenor of 'Amra BNP Poribar' Cell Atiqur Rahman Rumon told UNB that on behalf of BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman, different types of support are being given to the leaders and activists who were affected going to take part in the democracy restoration movement.
Replying to a question, he said, "If BNP forms the government in the future by getting the people's votes,efforts will be made to rehabilitate these affected families. Apart from this, they will be given 'martyr status'. Various institutions and establishments will also be named after them."
The BNP leaders alleged that since the Awami League came to power in 2009, they started torturing the leaders and activists of BNP. Then AL came in power again in 2014 through a voterless election and intensified torture on BNP men. The government carried out the incidents of forcibly disappearance, killing, and implicating the BNP men in false cases by using the state mechanisms.
The party claims that more than 5,000,000 (5 million) leaders and activists of BNP and associate bodies were accused in some 150,000 politically motivated and false cases in the last 15 years.
Besides, some 1000 leaders and activists were the victims of the forced disappearances and killing in the time.
More than 500 leaders and activists of BNP, Jubo Dal, Swachhasebak Dal and Chhatra Dal, including Ilias Ali, Chowdhury Alam, were made forcibly disappeared. Many of them were arrested later. But more than 100 BNP leaders and activists are still missing, the party claimed.
Initially the Jatiyatabadi Help Cell under the supervision of Tarique Rahman extended support to the victims and their families.
On March 22, 2024, a nine-member cell named "Amra BNP Poribar'" was formed under the patronage of the BNP Acting Chairman to work collectively for the affected families.
Atiqur Rahman Rumon, a member of the party's media cell, was made the Convenor of the cell and agriculturist Moksedul Momin Mithun was made its member secretary. BNP senior joint secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi is it's chief advisor, BNP joint secretary general Shahid Uddin Chowdhury Anne and it's treasurer Rashiduzzaman Millat were made advisors.
The 'Amra BNP Paribar' cell has already provided financial support for marrying off three daughters of three affected families,
The cell has recently extended support for marrying off Naima, the eldest daughter of ex-Kashimari Union BNP general secretary Oliullah Mollah Oli at Shymnagar in Satkhira, who was shot dead by the police in 2016.
Pucca houses were constructed for the two affected families in Nilphamari and Feni.
BNP leaders say that through these supports, they want to send a message to their leaders and activists that the party has not forgotten the victims of torture and oppression, and stands always by them.