Ganatantra Mancha urges Hasina to  resign

Blaming the government for creating an anarchic situation through the most brutal killings in the country's history, Ganatantra Mancha has called on the Prime Minister to submit her resignation to President Mohammed Shahabuddin
At a press conference, the opposition alliance also placed a six-point demand, including an impartial investigation of the entire incident, including the killing of the students, under the supervision of the United Nations.
Bangladesh-er Biplobi Workers Party General Secretary Saiful Haque made the demand at a press conference at Rashtra Sangskar Andolan's Central office in the city's Mehrababa Plaza.
"We demand the government to quit immediately by taking full responsibility for driving the country toward anarchy through its continued state-sponsored terrorism," Saiful said.
He said the Prime Minister has the option to tender her resignation to the President, which would facilitate the resignation of the entire government. "We are making this demand from this press conference," he added.
Saiful said the government and the ruling party are entirely responsible for the killing of the students and people and for the emerging situation, as they have failed to pursue a peaceful solution in the face of a legitimate movement.
"The government has perpetrated the most brutal killings in the country's history in connection with the mass upsurge following the student movement. We urge the government to resign and submit their resignation to the President, taking responsibility for the huge loss of life and property," the Biplobi Workers Party leader said.
He said the government will not be able to resolve the ongoing crisis centring the student movement by resorting to killing, arrests, torture, and spreading lies. "The government must choose the path of a political solution to overcome this crisis. Otherwise, the people of the country will have no option but to oust the government to protect themselves and the country," Saiful said.
He also called upon the government to implement the six-point demand of Ganatantra Mancha, an alliance of several opposition parties.
Their other demands include the prompt lifting of the curfew and withdrawing the armed forces and special forces, including the BGB, to their barracks; fully restoring internet services; ending government interference in the mass media; bringing to justice those who fired on protesting students, as well as those who planned, instructed, and executed the murders; withdrawing the false cases against arrested opposition leaders and students and releasing them; freeing the coordinators of the student movement who were taken by the DB police; reopening all educational institutions; halting block raids across Dhaka; and addressing the demands of the students.
Saiful urged all democratic and patriotic political parties, along with social and professional organisations, to advance a peaceful mass movement demanding the resignation of the current regime while avoiding the instigation and malicious sabotage efforts by the government and the ruling party.