Law enforcers killing protesters indiscriminately: Rizvi

BNP on Thursday alleged the law enforcers have been indiscriminately shedding the blood of anti-quota protesters, asserting that the government has granted them a license to kill innocent students.
"Nonchalant Hasina and cruel Obaidul Quader have given the police a license to kill students. They are behaving cowardly and are on a rampage, shedding blood with the spirit of hangmen," said party Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
Speaking at a virtual press conference, he also said the 'brutal' attacks of the Awami League law enforcers and the 'blood-thirsty miscreants' of the Chhatra League have been claiming the lives of people since Tuesday."
Rizvi said the sacrifices of the students would not go in vain, as this movement aims to restore democracy and humanity in Bangladesh.
He said the students' movement and their sacrifices have inspired millions of people who have lost their rights. "Abu Sayeed, Wasim, and other students who sacrificed their lives are considered the greatest heroes by the people of the country."
The BNP leader said that those who sacrificed their lives in the quota-reform movement are all freedom-loving children of the country.
He called upon the country's people to stand by the students, as an opportunity has arisen to free the country from the clutches of autocrats.
The BNP leader also warned that if the students are defeated, the government will brutally suppress and repress the country's people to seek revenge. "So, we all should participate actively in the movement."
He said the movement of ordinary students against discrimination is becoming a dream of revolution.
Rizvi alleged that the members of the BGB, RAB, Police and SWAT are carrying out heinous attacks like the Pakistan occupation force in the peaceful 'Complete Shutdown' programme called by the general students from Thursday morning.
He said the law enforcers are indiscriminately firing shoots, rubber bullets, teargas shells and soungrandes on the demonstrating students.
Besides, the law enforcers and the cadres of Chhatra League, Jubo League and Awami League are also attacking ordinary students.
Rizvi alleged that members of the BGB, RAB, Police, and SWAT are carrying out heinous attacks like the Pakistan occupation forces during the peaceful 'Complete Shutdown' programme called by the general students since Thursday morning.
He accused law enforcers of indiscriminately firing bullets, rubber bullets, tear gas shells, and sound grenades at demonstrating students.
Besides, he claimed that cadres of Chhatra League, Jubo League, and Awami League are also attacking ordinary students.