Rizvi slams Indian defense minister's remarks as 'provocative'

BNP Senior Leader Ruhul Kabir Rizvi sharply criticized Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh's remarks, calling them "motivated and provocative."

The comments came on Friday, following Rajnath Singh's call for the Indian armed forces to analyze ongoing global conflicts—including those involving Russia-Ukraine, Israel-Hamas, and Bangladesh—to ensure preparedness for future challenges.

"India is a peace-loving nation, but the armed forces need to be prepared for war to preserve peace," Rajnath Singh stated while inaugurating the Joint Commanders’ Conference in Lucknow, according to The Economic Times.

Reacting to this, Rizvi said, "Rajnath Singh named Bangladesh along with Russia, Ukraine, Israel, and Hamas. This is motivated and provocative."

He argued, “There’s no war in Bangladesh; it's our internal matter. Dictator Sheikh Hasina fled the country during a popular revolt led by students and supported by the people, who sacrificed their blood. Now, the situation in Bangladesh is normalizing.”

The BNP leader urged Bangladeshi students to remain vigilant.