US denies involvement in ousting Hasina


The United States has denied any role in the ousting of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, who recently resigned and fled the country. On Monday, the White House dismissed allegations of US involvement, calling them "simply false".

These allegations surfaced in a report by the Economic Times on Sunday. The report cited Hasina as accusing the US of playing a role in her ousting because it wanted control over Bangladesh's Saint Martin island in the Bay of Bengal. According to the newspaper, Hasina conveyed this message through her close associates.

However, Hasina's son, Sajeeb Wazed, contradicted this narrative in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday, stating that "she never made any such statement."

The White House further emphasised its position, stating, "We believe that the Bangladeshi people should determine the future of the Bangladeshi government and that's where we stand."

An interim government in Bangladesh, led by Nobel Peace laureate Muhammad Yunus, was sworn in on Thursday to organise elections in the country.

Bangladesh has been experiencing widespread demonstrations and violence, which were sparked by student protests last month. The protests, initially focused on opposing quotas that reserved a large portion of government jobs for certain groups, escalated into a broader campaign to remove Hasina.

She had won a fourth consecutive term in January, but the election was boycotted by the opposition and criticized by the US State Department as not being free or fair.