Arakan Army, not the Burmese Forces Firing Shots: Quader

Awami League (AL) General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader on Sunday said rumours are being spread by BNP-Jammat that Saint’s Martin is being occupied by Burma.

“BNP can only make ridiculous comments like the ignorant and it is still doing so, he said, adding that officials concerned and Bangladesh Army remain on high alert.

He was speaking at a news conference at the AL president’s Dhanmondi political office.

UNB adds: “Bangladesh has never showed subservient attitude to anyone. Bangladesh is keeping a strict vigilance on the Myanmar (Burma) border situation. We remain alert,” said Quader.

He said BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir has made an irresponsible statement on the St Martin incidents, while he has no idea about the situation.

“What happened in St Martin was the act of Arakan Army. Myanmar's (Burma) state forces did not do anything,” he said.

Claiming that food-carrying vessels are regularly operating to Saint Martin, the AL general secretary said, “We want to resolve the problem through discussion. Bangladesh has no need to start excitedly a war with Myanmar (Burma).”

“We have never showed subservient attitude to anyone and we will not do so in the future too. A few days ago, members of the Myanmarese (Burmese) Border Guard took shelter in Bangladesh. They were sent back,” he said.

The road transport minister said displaced Rohingyas must go back to their homeland in Burma, so diplomatic efforts are going on to repatriate them.