Irrigation pumps to run completely on solar power: PM

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said on Saturday that her government wants to transform the irrigation system of the country to run completely on solar power.

“I want to make the irrigation system completely dependent on solar power. Initially, it might need some investment, but in the long run, it would cut the cost,” she said.

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Hasina, also the president of the ruling Awami League, said this while inaugurating the tree plantation campaign of the Bangladesh Krishak League in a function at her official residence, GanaBhaban.

She said that the government is giving subsidies to the power sector.

“An excellent system has been invented. An umbrella equipped with a solar panel is to be installed over a well where the rainwater will be preserved. The irrigation will be done with solar energy,” she said.

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She mentioned that a huge amount of land will not be wasted in introducing the system.

“At present, the solar panel is being developed, and we can set up a solar panel in a nearby village to do the irrigation,” she said.

The prime minister said that the government will advance the country towards industrialization through developing an agro-based economy, not excluding it.

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“We will develop agriculture, and agriculture-based industrialization is more important for us. Because our raw materials will come from this agriculture,” she said.

She said that for that purpose, the government is setting up 100 special economic zones across the country.

“The aim of these economic zones is to contain building industries here and there that destroy arable land. Our three croplands must not be destroyed at any cost. No one will be allowed to set up industries there,” she said.

Hasina called upon the people to plant trees in larger numbers for building a "Green Bangladesh".

"We have to plant trees as much as we can across the country to make a Green Bangladesh," she said.

The prime minister asked her party leaders and activists to play a pivotal role in turning Bangladesh green.
She called upon them to plant saplings on the embankments of rivers, coastal belts, roadsides, rooftops, and houses to bolster the green movement.

The prime minister said that the government is setting up silos in several areas of the country where chilled compartment systems will be installed.

She mentioned that different types of crops would be preserved in separate chambers.

“We will do that, at first eight in eight divisions, then gradually in other areas," she said.

She said that the objective of this move is to make the country self-reliant on food grains.

She said that in Shantahar and Mongla, the government has built silos with capacities of 26,000 metric tonnes each to preserve rice.

“We will do that to make sure that in any natural calamity we will not lend our hands to anyone,” she said.

She also mentioned that the government will do that in other areas as well.

The prime minister later planted three saplings of blackberry, gooseberry, and parrot trees at Ganabhaban, marking the programme.

Krishak League President Samir Chanda and Acting General Secretary Bishwanath Sarker Bitu spoke on the occasion.

Krishak League Joint General Secretary Shamima Shahriar moderated the function.