CPD criticises black money whitening provision

The Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD), in an immediate response on Thursday to the proposed budget, expressed appreciation for the reduction of taxes on some essential items.

However, it also voiced concerns about the lack of corresponding price decreases for these items.

Despite the reduction in duties, these essential goods are still being sold at higher prices, negating the intended benefits of the tax cuts in the market. Consequently, CPD urged the government to enhance its market monitoring mechanisms to ensure that consumers reap the benefits of the tax reductions.

During the budget reaction, CPD Executive Director Dr Fahmida Khatun discussed various aspects of the proposed budget. Other attendees at the briefing included CPD's Research Director Dr Khondker Golam Moazzem, Distinguished Fellow Professor Mustafizur Rahman, and Senior Research Fellow Towfiqul Islam Khan.

Fahmida opposed the proposed budget's provision allowing black money whitening with only a 15 percent tax. She condemned this measure as a violation of social justice and an unethical practice, which demoralizes honest taxpayers.

She also criticised the budget for appearing to follow the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) prescriptions. As a result, the government seems to prioritise revenue generation over implementing innovative and creative measures to curb inflation.