Money launderers will find no rest: new BB governor declares war on illicit finance

The newly appointed Governor of Bangladesh Bank, Dr. Ahsan H. Mansur, delivered a powerful message on his first day in office, vowing to leave no stone unturned in the fight against money laundering. Speaking at a press conference on Wednesday, Dr. Mansur warned that those involved in illicit financial activities would be relentlessly pursued and held accountable, ensuring they “won’t sleep peacefully.”

“We will create such a situation that those who have illegally taken money out of the country will suffer,” Dr. Mansur declared. “I will make sure that they cannot sleep with a pillow on their bed of money.”

He stressed that the crackdown on money laundering would be a collaborative effort, extending beyond the government and the central bank to include international cooperation. “International law is a powerful tool that must be fully leveraged,” he emphasized.

Addressing internal challenges, Dr. Mansur acknowledged the existing weaknesses within the country’s economic sector and the central bank itself. He vowed to eliminate any chances of concealment or manipulation of reports. “No central bank report or audit report will be hidden away in a drawer. There will be no scope for data manipulation,” he asserted.

Reflecting on past failures, Dr. Mansur admitted that the central bank had previously been complicit in the looting and laundering of money abroad, but promised that all those responsible for such crimes would face justice.

In outlining his priorities for the central bank, Dr. Mansur also highlighted the importance of reducing inflation, maintaining sustainable foreign exchange reserves, and ensuring the stability of the forex market.

The press conference was attended by deputy governors, the central bank's spokesperson, and senior officials.