Mobile net restored partially, compensation on condition

Bangladesh authorities restored internet on mobile network after a 10-day blackout keeping restrictions over major communications app like WhatsApp and Facebook.

In response to the disruption, telecom authorities have directed the operators to provide 5 gigabyte data to 'all customers' as compensation for three days, State Minister Zunaid Ahmed Palak pledged at a briefing on Sunday.

However, the compensation comes with specific conditions, including that only those with active data packages on 18 July, the day the blackout began, will receive freebies. An official of a leading telecom operator said the customers who missed data volume due to the blackout would receive free data for three days on a priority basis.

“Our technical team is working to classify the customers based on their internet usage on 18 July, when the internet blackout on mobile connections began,” he added.

BTRC Chairman Mohiuddin Ahmed stated that the regulator had no comment as the state minister already briefed on the issue. “I will look into the matter and then comment,” Mohiuddin Ahmed told the Mirror Asia in response to a question about the conditions for compensating customers.

On 18 July, amid the escalation of violent clashes centring the quota reform movement, the government shut down mobile internet.